Criminal Law Terms

Criminal Law Terms

Criminal Law Terms
  1. Suspect: A suspect is a person believed to have committed a crime based on preliminary investigations or circumstantial evidence. In the UAE, a suspect may be subject to investigations by the Public Prosecution or the police, but no formal charges are brought against them until sufficient evidence is gathered.
  2. Convicted: A convicted person is someone who has been sentenced by the court and proven guilty of committing a specific crime. After the crime is proven with evidence and testimonies, the court issues its judgment on the convicted person based on the applicable laws.
  3. Accused: An accused person is someone who has been formally charged by the Public Prosecution with committing a specific crime. The accused is either in trial or awaiting trial, where the judge reviews the evidence to determine whether to convict or acquit them.
  4. Detained: A detained person is someone who has been temporarily arrested by the competent authorities (the police or Public Prosecution) on suspicion of involvement in a crime. The person is held for a temporary period during the investigation phase, and may either be released or kept in preventive detention based on the available evidence.
  5. Prisoner: A prisoner is a person who has been sentenced to prison after being convicted of committing a crime. The prisoner serves their sentence in prison based on the judicial ruling issued against them.

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